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mutation in secreted protein - (Mar/02/2009 )


I'm measuring the expresson of a serum proetin (a secreted protein in serum) using ELISA. My question is how do i chek for mutation in such a protein?
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SF_HK on Mar 2 2009, 05:44 PM said:


I'm measuring the expresson of a serum proetin (a secreted protein in serum) using ELISA. My question is how do i chek for mutation in such a protein?


SF_HK on Mar 2 2009, 05:44 PM said:


I'm measuring the expresson of a serum proetin (a secreted protein in serum) using ELISA. My question is how do i chek for mutation in such a protein?

Do I have to check the mutation in the tissue sample corresponding to that serum sample showing dysregulated expression?


What kind of mutation do you expect to affect secretion of the protein? A mutation affecting expression level, or protein properties?


expression level


SF_HK on Mar 2 2009, 05:34 PM said:

expression level

Expression level can be affected by multiple factors, for example, changes in promoter sequence, epigenetic modifications, upstream regulatory factors, ...