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Why is Cleavage of DNA using restrcition enzyme more suitable for genetic engine - !! confused confused confused !! (Mar/01/2009 )

Why is Cleavage of DNA using restrcition enzyme more suitable for genetic engineering experiments than mechanical shearing? How are they used??

Why is it important for the restriction enzyme to recognise palindromic sequences?


Hmmm. Homework question???

What do you think? What are the differences between cutting DNA mechanically and cutting it with and enzyme?


well, how about writing down the mechanism involved in these two methods which cleave DNA. It would help shade some light.

And remember the key word "engineering". Can you build an engine by throwing bits of metal together in a random fashion?


perneseblue on Mar 1 2009, 06:42 PM said:

Can you build an engine by throwing bits of metal together in a random fashion?

Nicely put. Plus the term "genetic engineering" implies some specific goal, not a random pile of parts...


krishijones on Mar 1 2009, 01:43 PM said:

Why is Cleavage of DNA using restrcition enzyme more suitable for genetic engineering experiments than mechanical shearing? How are they used??

Why is it important for the restriction enzyme to recognise palindromic sequences?


The cleavage by Restriction enzymes will yield very specific (cohesive or blunt ends) ends, which will be help ful to insert your gene of interest digested with the same restriction enzymes. But in case of mechanical shearing, you are not sure whihc part of the DNA has got sheared or cleaved, and it is very non specific.

So that is why restriciton digestion with enzymes will be used in genetic engineering expts.


-Sudheer Avinash Reddy-