SF9 cell transfection using lipofectamine?? - and is CMV active in this cells? (Feb/13/2009 )
Has anybody transtected SF9 (or other insect cell line) using lipofectamine in stead of cellfectine??
Has anybody expressed successfully a gen (GFP or other) directed by the CMV promoter in SF9 (or other insect cell line) using a virus or a plasmid as a vector?
I havn't tried insect cells, but CMV is a mammalian virus, I suspect that plasmids running off this promoter will not work in insect cells.
I found only one paper where they infect with a virus expressing a GFP directed by CMV promoter, and they say fluorescence is weak but it’s there so CMVp is a little bit active. But they don’t show negative control, and I see a black background in the positive control (GFP directed by a insect cell promoter), and I see a very green background in the CMV-GFP transfection, what make me think may be what they see is just endogen fluorescence.
aztecan princess on Feb 17 2009, 12:41 AM said:
Hope is not too late.
We used to tansfect S2 or insect cells with plasmid under Actin- or inducible-promoter(for example metallotheonein) control.