Paper on energy requirement of cells - (Feb/02/2009 )
has anyone read any good paper that talks about the energy requirement per cell? Like it would talk about the total ATP consumption rate and how much does the components in culture media such as glucose contribute to the energy being consumed by the cell? thanks,
Hi, Mike
I am also interested on how glucose affect cell atp production, do you have any references?
Mike L on Feb 2 2009, 06:38 PM said:
has anyone read any good paper that talks about the energy requirement per cell? Like it would talk about the total ATP consumption rate and how much does the components in culture media such as glucose contribute to the energy being consumed by the cell? thanks,
I am not sure if this would help but papers on metabolic fluxes may serve your purpose. This has been extensively studied in E.coli where the effect of growing E.coli in presence of various substrates (fatty acids, glucose, glycerol, pyruvate etc) and their effect on the metabolic state of the organism has been studied.
Try lookign for metabolic fluxes....I am sure you will find something useful.