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pls help with question - (Jan/28/2009 )

Can someone answer these two questions. Thanx

If 3X1014kg of CO2 are cycled through biosphere annually. How many human equivalents (70Kg persons composed of 18%C by weight) could be produced each year from this amount of CO2?

Isotope 32P Radiation type β half life 14.3 days
Isotope 35S Radiation type β half life 87.1 days
Write reactions for the decay events for these 2 isotopes, indicating clearly to the products of the decays and calculate what %of each would remain from sample that contained both and decayed for 100 days?


naveen76g on Jan 28 2009, 06:02 AM said:

Can someone answer these two questions. Thanx

If 3X1014kg of CO2 are cycled through biosphere annually. How many human equivalents (70Kg persons composed of 18%C by weight) could be produced each year from this amount of CO2?

Isotope 32P Radiation type β half life 14.3 days
Isotope 35S Radiation type β half life 87.1 days
Write reactions for the decay events for these 2 isotopes, indicating clearly to the products of the decays and calculate what %of each would remain from sample that contained both and decayed for 100 days?

how about you give a try first and write out your answer. Try google to find the step in radio decay. Look up Wikipedia to show the equation used to calculate half life.
