Do you have references to study the Cellular Biology of Kidney? - (May/16/2019 )
Hello everyone.
I'm currently investigating the phenomenon of the excretion of nanoparticles out into the urine through the kidney. Could you guys recommend me some books or papers or any good references so that I can get a clear understanding of how the kidney works at a cellular and molecular level? Any tips are appreciated.
Thank you
What sort of understanding level do you have already? While not comprehensive, the wikipedia page might be a good place to start. Do you need anatomy as well as physiology?
bob1 on Thu May 16 14:43:10 2019 said:
What sort of understanding level do you have already? While not comprehensive, the wikipedia page might be a good place to start. Do you need anatomy as well as physiology?
I'm a graduate student, I was trained as a pharmacist (specialising in medicinal chemistry) for my Bachelor's. The basics of anatomy and physiology I understand, it's the mechanisms at the cellular and molecular level that I require :)