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Electroporation in an anaerobic chamber/glove box with H2 gas? - (Jan/12/2019 )

Dear All,


This might be a silly question but worthwhile just in case. Can you put an electroporator in an anaerobic glove box?


I believe this cannot be done if you are using a gas mix of 85% N2, 10% H2, and 5% CO2 due to risk of explosion with the H2 plus electroporator arcing. So why then do some protocols claim that this can be done anaerobically, presumably some other gas mix is safe?


My concern:


I am transforming an anaerobic bacteria via electroporation. Currently I am preparing competent cells anaerobically, removing from the chamber and electroporating, then getting back to the chamber asap. This would be easier if all could be done anaerobically.


Does anyone has a protocol for this? An image of your chamber + electroporator set up would be very helpful. Also, some potential pitfalls  and correct gas mixture?


Thank you in advance




The explosion risk with H2 is mostly in the presence of O2, as they combine explosively to form water. Anaerobic conditions should prevent this as there will be very low to no O2.
