Synthesizing RNA in Transcription - (Dec/31/2018 )
I was wondering how the DNA polymerase chooses which strand of DNA to start synthesizing RNA? I know it looks for a start codon and that it makes RNA from the 3' to 5' end, but I thought start codons might be on both strands.
There are several things very wrong about this question. So I would rather answer with additional questions.
What kind of polymerase really synthetize RNA?
You know nothing about transcription factors (both constitutive and non-constitutive)? What is their function? Where do they bind?
Do you understand well how DNA complementarity works?
Start codon is an important site, but not for polymerases, RNAs have untranslated regions on both sites. Who does recognize the start codon really?
If you find answers to these questions, you may reformulate yours. Or not, because you would not need to.
I meant the RNA polymerase
Sorry this topic was posted in the forum.
MrMaster4532 on Wed Jan 2 22:35:20 2019 said:
Sorry this topic was posted in the forum.
It's fine. It just belongs in this section.
Even when that was a typo, other questions still stand. You may find your answer looking for those questions.