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Question regarding listing the shared values across multiple columns - (Dec/18/2018 )

Dear All, 

I have a set of 20 column, each contains number value. I would like to have a function in excel or in r or somewhere else to extract the shared values among all the columns. 

Several of the online Venn tools can visualize and list among up to 6 columns. 


Any tool? 




I doubt that excel will do this. R has a command:


 that identifies and extracts all the unique values. You could use this in a logical vector to do something like 

duplicates <- data != unique(x, ...)

It is hard to test this sort of thing without a dataset to work on. I very strongly recommend asking on too - if you can show some sort of working and a basic data set then they are usually very responsive (within minutes) and know much more about r and similar programs than me.


Thank you anyhow on your effort and advice. Could you just comment on what is the )X, .. ,,, what is X actually refers to ?


Sorry, x should have read data - the name of your data frame that you have read into R.


If you are using R I would recommend checking out the documentation for the command by typing into your console:


This should give you and explanation of how to use the command.
