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How do I use Gibbrellic Acid - (Sep/16/2018 )


I'm about to start my bachelors thesis experiment where I will break seed dormancy using stratification, scarification and gibbrellic acid. My mentor is sick so I was hoping I could get some help here.


How do I use the gibbrellic acid on the seeds?

I've read a bit online and it seems some people spray the mixture on and others leave the seeds "bathing" in the mixture over 12 or 24 hours. Given that some of the seeds will go into a kind of refrigerator for 60 days, what would be the correct procedure?


By "bathing" I mean covering the seeds in the solution.


I know that I should use the same amount of water for the non gibbrellic acid tirals as I will use the gibbrellic acid solution.


Check these out! There are quite a few articles on google scholar that might be useful. And textbook solutions on Bartleby are coming handy for me this college year.

-Beatrice Paige-

Thank you :)! Those are some handy links.


I've been reading a few papers and a watching a few videos, but they generally don't say how much they are using. My mentor came trough though and we are just wetting the filter paper and keeping them moist trough the stratification
