Neuron transfection - (Jan/24/2018 )
I want to transfect a protein inhibitor to hippocampal neurons to see if the inhibitor will inhibit the protein interaction.
I want to know how can I do this using Lipofectamine?
Do I dilute my peptide in the lipofectamine reagent and proceed as per the manual?
Transfection is the process by which nucleic acids are introduced into mammalian cells. You can use plasmid DNA , mRNA, RNAi or CRISPR/Cas9 for the transfection and for each one there is a type of lipofectamine that suits better to each type of sample. So maybe to deliver a peptide inside a cell you can use a liposome or a Cell-penetrating peptides, or CPPs, are short peptides that can facilitate cellular uptake of a variety of molecular cargo. CPPs (sometimes also called protein transduction domains).