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Optimal dNTP storage pH - (Feb/24/2017 )

Ive been doing some reading up on dNTPs from various manufacturers. Nearly all suggest a storage pH range of between 7-8. It makes sense that you do not want a pH that is too low as it would increase the likelihood of hydrolysis reactions causing the formation of dNMP.


However, why would pH above 8 causes issues with dNTP storage?


Secondly, if I wanted to stabilise dNTPs for storage at temperatures in the 20-30c range what would be the most suitable method for achieving this without suffering loss of performance?



Thank You







If you need room temperature PCR reagents maybe a better approach are the PCR beads.  GE health and science have it.  I used several years ago and was easy (add water and DNA) and the performance is high quality.  
