how to check for intron-exon junctions - (Oct/27/2015 )
Can anyone of you tell me how to check, if primers we are currently using, span intron-exon junctions? There is some application on pubmed/NCBI, but I can not remember in detail.
Thank you in advance!!
You can find the nucleotide sequence on your gene on The files starting with "NM_" will indicate the location where two exons join. If your primers align with the cDNA (by BlastN), you can assume they don't contain and intron DNA. If the primers align with the genomic copy of the gene, but not the cDNA, then they may contain some untranslated region (intron) sequence.
Also PrimerBLAST will show positions of exons and exon-spanning, if you input an accession number (NM_...) as a template.