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Anyone ever mixed two siRNAs for in vivo knockdown? - (Aug/19/2015 )

Hi all!


I am trying to get quick and effective knockdown of gene expression. I have two siRNAs targeting the same gene, but looks like neither is very good. A colleague suggested that I try mixing the two and administering them together.


Anyone have done that? Any tips?


Thank you!


Hi there !

It's a very common strategy to use multiple siRNAs ('pools') against the same gene. This helps reduce off-target effects. I do it all the time, you should definitely go for it. I found this Nature methods article though discussing the dark side of siRNA pooling. Here it is in case you're interested 


Yes, thank you!


I currently have two siRNAs targeting the same gene. One thing that I worry is that it looks like journals like to see that you have used multiple siRNAs separately to achieve the same effect? So in this case, would they not like two siRNAs mixed together and used at the same time?
