Count cell bactria using haemacytometer - (Jun/02/2015 )
i need your help so bad
i get confused with my task
if i want to count cell of bacteria using haemocytometer, should i count the square in the middle too?
and when i count total cell should i use formula :
count total cell x dilution factor/ total of squre x 10.000 cell/ml
(0,004mm = total volume each square)
if i use 5 square >> 5 x 0,004 mm = 0,02 mm (total volume)
so >> total cell / 0,02 mm x 1000 m3(cubic)
please help me
It is pretty well explained here:
Did you check it?
Keep in mind: not all counting chambers use the same measurements for the squares! So you do need to keep this in mind.
also check here:
and here:
If this does not help, let us know, but I think with this information you can figure it out yourself.
About the 10.000cells/ml, not sure where you get this number?
PuspasriNT on Tue Jun 2 16:17:22 2015 said:
i need your help so bad
i get confused with my task
if i want to count cell of bacteria using haemocytometer, should i count the square in the middle too?
and when i count total cell should i use formula :count total cell x dilution factor/ total of squre x 10.000 cell/ml
or(0,004mm = total volume each square)
if i use 5 square >> 5 x 0,004 mm = 0,02 mm (total volume)
so >> total cell / 0,02 mm x 1000 m3(cubic)
please help me