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vibrio fischeri bacteria - (May/20/2015 )

how to get a vibrio fischeri bacteria?


If you need a pure culture, then one of the culture colledtions such as ATCC or DSMZ will have it. If you need it to fool around with, then there are likely many people who have it in their freezer and could send you some. If you just want something that glows, you can find some salt water shrimp or fish and leave it out for a few days (in a place that's well ventilated!).  Examine it in complete darkness, and pick glowing colonies onto marine agar. This won't get you a certified culture, and will likely give you colonies of Photobacterium species rather than Vibrio species. Not all such species (especially Vibrio species) are benign, so you probably want to be a bit careful about your handling of them.
