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Re-PCR my PCR products - (May/13/2015 )

Hi there, I have been trying to amplify a certain gene (with 1100 bp size) from my extracted DNA sample, but the problem was that i'm running out of my DNA sample now and was wondering is that fine to re-PCR my previous PCR product using the same primers? will it affect my results if i were to clone them and send for sequencing next? 


Lastly, if primer dimers were present in my first PCR products, do i need to perform gel extraction first before re-PCR-ing them? or can i just purify the PCR products using kit, without cutting the gel and re-PCR them? 

*i can attach the picture of my gel electrophoresis if needed, but the quality of the picture isn't that good*


Thank you so much, everyone! 


I have been uniformly disappointed by attempts to re-amplify PCR products with the same primers.  Usually this does not work. Likely the reason is that there are a great many short products which don't really show up well on a gel, but will preferentially amplify. Gel intensity is proportional to mass, not to molar quantity. So, short fragments may be present in vast numbers but show up as a weak band. Nested or semi-nested PCR seems to work much better, or retries from the original template.


phage434 on Wed May 13 18:07:06 2015 said:

I have been uniformly disappointed by attempts to re-amplify PCR products with the same primers.  Usually this does not work. Likely the reason is that there are a great many short products which don't really show up well on a gel, but will preferentially amplify. Gel intensity is proportional to mass, not to molar quantity. So, short fragments may be present in vast numbers but show up as a weak band. Nested or semi-nested PCR seems to work much better, or retries from the original template.

hi, thanks, i understand now, i will plan it all over again smile.png
