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Cross-species genes on the chromosomes - (Mar/23/2015 )

Dear all, 


While searching for a cross-species conservation of miRNAs genes (in terms of their genome location on the host genes and on the chromosomes). I observed that a single miRNA might be transcriped from the same host gene in different species , but this host gene is located on different chromosom among the studied species. My question is : is this is normal to find that the same gene is transcriped from different chromosome in different animals ؟ 


A detailed answer is appreciated. 

-Mohamed 1984-

What exactly are you asking, if the same gene can be on different chromosomes?

Of course it can. And mostly they are. Just for the fact that many species differ in their number of chromosomes.  

Just take one gene and run through NCBI Gene to look where this gene is located in different species.


Genes were changing places, even changing exons throug the evolution. The whole genome is full of repetitive sequences, that span the gene locuses and you can just switch it between chromosomes, other mobile elements may transfer gene to a different place.

I think it's more abnormal if two different organisms had the same gene on the same chromosome.


Could you provide a paper supporting your words. 

-Mohamed 1984-

I'm affraid I can't. You need to find some basic genetic texbook or something.


realy agree with Trof. If you want to read that in an article you have to find a project where they use a synteny strategy. I research genes of interest for resistance trait in various species by synteny and im realy not affraid by the fact that this genes are in different chromosome in this differents species. Why they will be in the same chromosome? If you develop this idea, why they will not be in the same contig or scaffold or in the same chromosomique location???

you have to read article with a synteny stategy please.

Sorry, but its a french answer, with a very bad english lol
