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QIAprep Spin M13 Kit - for bacteriophages use??? - (Feb/04/2015 )

Hello !!!


I would like to as something if anybody knows or has an idea.

Recently, we bought in the lab the QIAprep Spin M13 Kit which is appropriate for ssDNA isolation from M13. However, I would like to ask if you know if it works properly also for other dsDNA bacteriophages. After a test that I did in the lab, I took DNA product since the phage (dsDNA) was in a high titer. But does anybody know if this DNA is reliable, or it can be used for sequencing of the phage for example??


Thank you!!!



p.s. In the pic the first 2 places are the phages that I tested. The first one has very low titer so its genome was hardly seen, however the second one had a hign titer and as you can see the DNA is clearly obvious. (the rest places are irrelevant with this test...)

ladder: phage λ/Hind III

Attached Image

-Panos G. Kalatzis-

Most of these sorts of kit rely on the charge of the DNA to extract it from solution... so it should be fine.
