How to produce transgenic mice? - (Jan/24/2015 )
I designed it already. I designed primers to amplify the CDS of the PVR (isoform 1) from its cDNA, and then clone into pLVX-Puro by Clontech. You dont even need to use microinjection with this system.
Hi Curtis,
Transgenic animal is the animal whose genome contains exogenous gene.It adds the exogenous gene into sperm, egg cell or fertilized egg cell through cell fusion, cell reorganization, genetic material transfer, chromosome engineering and gene engineering in according with the pre-design.
And there,you can get two methods to produce mice with transgenic service.These are Pronuclear microinjection(The nucleus of two fertilized egg cells are not fused) and
ES cell based gene overexpression.More information about the these come from
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