question about Clonetech Retro-X Tet-on system - (Jan/12/2015 )
I'm confused! I have 2 vectors-
pRetroX-Tet-On Advanced &
pRetroX-Tight-Pur (with my gene of interest)
My question: Tell me if I'm doing this right---I was planning on taking regular 293T cells and doing an infection into 293T (like I do for lenti)- with VSVg, delta, pRetroX-Tet-On Advanced vector using Fugene--harvest the virus and infect my cells, MCF-7 and generate a G418-resistant stable line that expresses the transactivator.
I was then going to do another infection into 293T like before but use pRetroX-Tight-Pur (with my gene of interest). And then infect the MCF-7/pRetroX-Tet-On Advanced line with sup that I generated---Does that sound right?
It seems odd that I'm using the same infection protocol for retro that I have used for lenti???
Are infection protocols similar. I remember from years ago--people would use Phoenix cells than 293T
293T is the parent cell line for Phoenix cells.
- With 293T, you will need additional viral packaging vectors (2) co-transfected along with your expression vector.
- With Phoenix cells, you get in-build packaging machinery (gag, pol, env genes), so you need to transfect the cells with only your expression vector.
Thanks! Got it