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How to fully identify the virus? - (Jan/03/2015 )

Hello, I have small request for you.


Let's wonder the situation that some new virus has been discovered recently. The problem is that, we don't know nothing about it.


Could you hint me, what experimantal methods will be best to fully recognize this virus?


I mean methods that can give answers like:


Gonem size and type:RNA or DNA, next: ssRNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, dsDNA?

How to magnify genome if we don't know sequence  ?

If amplification is done, what method will be best for sequencing, Sanger, NGS, ?

How to get some information about viral proteins and their interaction in the cell?


Looking forward to your answers :)



Welcome to the forums,


as we are being in a homework forum, we are looking forward to your suggestions first.


Try solve it yourself first and show us what you got, others then may point you to the things you may have missed. 


How would you answer those questions?
