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Good morning,

I am having challenges analysing my microarray data and i need  assistance from anyone who could kindly offer me one.

I have sorted a cell population of interest (NUM CELLS) from mice infected with 2 different pathogens (PATHOGEN A and PATHOGEN H), purified RNA from the sorted cells and sent it to a company for RNA expression array. Naive mice do not express the cell population of interest (NUM CELLS).

My challenge is that, I have about 56,000 genes from these 2 pathogens (PATHOGEN A and PATHOGEN H) but do not know how to analyse my data since i have no baseline. My data is already normalised.

The company used Agilent technology and 1 colour array.

This is my first microarray experiment and I would really appreciate it if anyone could kindly explain how I should analyse my data. Any helpful reply would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Yours Sincerely,


A useful question to ask yourself in these sorts of situations is: What question is the experiment designed to answer? If in your case the question is something along the line of "which genes are upregulated by infection with A and H?" Then you are probably out of luck as you need something to compare A and H to.


So... what is your hypothesis?


Since I understand you have no 'control', I wonder how was your data 'normalized'? I have seen cases of 'normalized to the median of controls' kind of cases.


bob1 on Sat Dec 20 01:52:40 2014 said:

A useful question to ask yourself in these sorts of situations is: What question is the experiment designed to answer? If in your case the question is something along the line of "which genes are upregulated by infection with A and H?" Then you are probably out of luck as you need something to compare A and H to.


So... what is your hypothesis?


  i am interested in knowing the genes that are upregulated or downregulated. thank you for your help


itsron on Sat Dec 20 04:10:41 2014 said:

Since I understand you have no 'control', I wonder how was your data 'normalized'? I have seen cases of 'normalized to the median of controls' kind of cases.


I have asked for clarification on how the normalisation was done and still waiting for the answer. Thank you very much for your input
