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help - (Nov/26/2014 )



can anyone help me with the MTT assay 


I am using three types of plant extracts from different plants against MCF-7 cell line,the problem is i got cell viability higher with the extracts  (extract+ cell) than without extracts ( cell+ media ). The formula that used foe cell viability is   ( OD of extract+cell)/ OD of cell+ media) x 100.

is it possible that all three extracts from different plant enhance the cancer cell ?. I have repeated the assay three time and i got same results.


thank you in advance  


It is possible... did you do any statistics to see if the viability increase is significant?


As above, but with a couple of questions before claiming an increase in viability:

  1. How ‘clean’ is your extract? Make sure it is not also absorbing light at the same wavelength as your assay.
  2. Are the results repeatable when a different viability assay is used?