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A question regarding an outdated publication. - (Nov/20/2014 )

Dear Experit, 

I wonder if you would like to publish a paper that you write one or two year back. It describes the prevalence of certain disease back at this time. Actually the aim of the paper is not to state a period dependent prevalence but more likely a disease status in the host. We just mentioned the data as a matter of honesty.  Now, the question is how to get this paper published ? 

-Mohamed 1984-

submit it to the appropriate journal


Mohamed 1984 on Thu Nov 20 15:16:05 2014 said:

Dear Experit, 

I wonder if you would like to publish a paper that you write one or two year back. It describes the prevalence of certain disease back at this time. Actually the aim of the paper is not to state a period dependent prevalence but more likely a disease status in the host. We just mentioned the data as a matter of honesty.  Now, the question is how to get this paper published ? 

if you have time for this publication, do as mdfenko adviced; most papers are are the result of several past years work

-Inmost sun-