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How does physical activity effect our hormone? - (Nov/08/2014 )

Referring to following statements, I would like to know on why physical activity can alleviate stress, and how does physical activity effect our hormone?

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

"The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands make up the HPA axis, which plays a pivotal role in triggering the stress response. By releasing certain chemicals, such as adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol, the HPA axis rouses the body for action when it’s faced with a stressor."

"Exercise. Physical activity alleviates stress and reduces your risk of becoming depressed."
Ref :


This looks suspiciously like homework, so I have moved it...


As such, what do you know about hormones and exercise? What hormone releases might be triggered by exercise?


bob1 on Sun Nov 9 19:41:49 2014 said:

This looks suspiciously like homework, so I have moved it...


As such, what do you know about hormones and exercise? What hormone releases might be triggered by exercise?



Do you have any suggestions on how body define what stress is in the first place?


Thank you very much for any suggestions :>


Stress is anything outside normal conditions - it could be a fright for instance...


bob1 on Mon Nov 10 01:01:49 2014 said:

Stress is anything outside normal conditions - it could be a fright for instance...



Do you have any suggestions on how to describe "stress" in body cell levels?

Thank you very much for any suggestions :>


for example oxidative stress...


Tabaluga on Mon Nov 10 14:21:23 2014 said:

for example oxidative stress...


Oxygen is good for burning glucose into energy and release CO2, why do oxidative cause stress to cells?


Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions


My honest suggestion is that you google oxidative stress and read some basics in order to be able to build upon that knowledge later.
