Help!!! Agarose Gel - (Nov/07/2014 )
Good Afternoon,
Nowadays, I'm having a trouble with my electrophoresis gel, 'cause appeared in the top surface of agarose gel 1,2% a uniform blur and I don,t know if this blur is influencing in my DNA run. I want know if somebody yet have this problem or whereas it is common, like a light medding. Moreover, if I continue running the gel, the smudge continue migrating. I thought that could be a buffer saturation or contamination.
What are you think??
-Vinicius Flores-
For me it looks like the normal upper border of the gel which is illuminated and/or shows some reflection issues. Depending on the length of the run (and bec the gel itself looks quite dark with little background) it might be also a higher concentration of EtBr (if you used this dye), which moves in opposite direction to the DNA.
Anyway both is normal and should not influence your run (the second point can influence the visibility of DNA)
Ok, I has thought in this case, besides whether i change the gel position in the illumination device, the blur in the gel don't change the position.
-Vinicius Flores-