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Simple DNA analysis software for PC? - (Nov/03/2014 )

This seems like an overly simplistic question for a "Bioinformantics" forum, but here goes:  I have been a molecular biology research assistant for >25 years, but have virtually only done my work on Macs.  For many years I used DNA Strider for my DNA records and planning.  Since that become unusable on the latest Mac OS, I've switched to Serial Cloner.  I am a PC novice, but I have one PC and would like to be able to use it for basic DNA manipulations as well, since it is sometimes the only machine available.


Any suggestions for a program on PC that has similar capabilities and ease of use as those programs?  Ability to read and write files compatible with Serial Cloner would be a huge plus, but not an absolute requirement.


You could try Snapgene,ApE, gene construction kit, pDRAW, GENtle, Genious, or


Thanks.  I have pDRAW on that machine now, and struggle with it, but that's based on very brief experience so far.  I have used ApE on the Mac a little, before I switched to Serial Cloner.  Maybe I'll give it another chance, after I look at your other suggestions.
