How can I do to get an interesting letter? - (Aug/25/2014 )
Hi all.
I want to apply for a post doc position and I have doubts about my letter. I don´t know if its is boring, and how can I do to make of it an interesting letter. Also I have little problems with writing in english.
I'll be most grateful for any suggestion, corrections, and comments .
I just copy the body letter, here you are:
I am very interested in your work on the mechanisms by which proteins that are involved in Alzheimer´s disease can regulate calcium levels in membranous sacs. It is an interesting point of view, knowing the important role of calcium on cellular processes, including synapsis modulation and memory consolidation. I searched your topics and It has been fascinating to know the influence of presenilin 2 in cellular calcium levels calcium storage and it transport through organelus.
I have been working on Alzheimer´s disease, and my work was focus on the study of reelin protein, because of its function on memory consolidation and its capacity in neuroprotection. We studied how presenilin 1 expressed at the plasmatic membrane , as part of gamma secretase complex, is responsible to release small intracellular proteolitic fragments that regulate gene expression, in particullar reelin gene expression. And those molecular mechanisms are affected when presenilin missed its function.
Furthermore, I also study reelin protein in human Alzheimer brains. And what I saw was modification on the glycosylation and a misfolding of reelin . This condition, seem to be favourable for amyloid betta oligomers disposition and tau hyperfosforylation, two conditions that conduce to neurotoxicity and to neural death.
But, the most important question for my, is how those processes happen, and of course, try to dilucidate molecular mechanisms that affect regulation of those cellular processes, and help to understand cellular processes could be affected in a earlier stage of Alzheimer disease. That is the most important reason by what I have particullar interest on your research topic.
I have attached my CV and in case you have any questions that you have about me/my experience/work/papers and developments I would be glad to answer all your questions in detail.
there are several grammatical mistakes I think,suggest you review it
good luck