How Can I prepare Indole Reagent from Indole for Synthesis? - (Aug/24/2014 )
Hi.....Quick question...I've with me Indole for synthesis from Merck with formula write C8H7N in solid powder form. How can I prepare Indole reagent form this for indole test of bacteria? How to prepare it and how to use it for this purpose....
Thanks in advance
Don't you need Kovac's reagent for this? Indole is the product of the reaction with Kovac's reagent.
Kovacs reagent is dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in an acidified isoamyl (or ethyl) alcohol. Indole (if present) is the reactant (not product) of reaction with Kovacs reagent. The red product of reaction is more soluble in the alcohol than the aqueous microbiological medium so it ends up concentrated in the small amount of alcohol.
Always good to shake up my somewhat rather limited microbiological test knowledge... thanks Phil.
Old dinosaurs like me remember this trivial stuff, Bob.