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The most boring tasks in Biology - (Aug/14/2014 )

We are looking for a subject for our internship project in BioInformatics.

We want to know: what is the most mind-numbing work you have ever had to do as a Biologist?

Posting multiple answers is fine.


A few prerequisites:

- It has to have to do with biological data (microscopic pictures, enzyme activities, protein structures…)

- It has to be something that computers are not very good at doing


If you are not sure about the prerequisites, don’t worry about it and just post the problem anyways. We will look into it.

When we have chosen a project (we might not choose one from this forum, as we went to different fora with this question) we will post it here.


I guess that depends pretty much on your personal view and might me very different:


E.g. Counting tiny insects on plants.
