After centrifuge in serum-free media, forming cell sheet, instead of pellet in t - (Jul/11/2014 )
Has anyone encounter cell sheet across vertically in the tube, rather than normal cell pellet sink to the bottom after centrifugation ? How to get the supernatant out without disturbing the cell sheet?
Are you sure it is cells? This is quite unusual, but I could see it happening with fat cells.
You could use a hypodermic needle and a syringe to minimize the damage to the layer?
Yes. It forming cell floated instead of cell pellet sink to the bottom after centrifuge. I have experienced this before using human gingival epithelium (normal) from Cell N Tec and using their culture media, I thought they must have differentiated due to confluency and maybe because of serum-free media.
Btw, I tried to neutralized trypLE (can stop detachment by dilution) with serum-containing media (maintenance culture using serum-free media), and after centrifuge, they formed cell pellet at the bottom like normal.
I guess the cell pellet formation due to serum-containing media, somehow serum attach cell together and help to form cell pellet sink to the bottom,easy to manage
What do you think?