I need help to clarify gram, acid fast and endospore technique unknown test - (Jul/05/2014 )
You must have done this before during a class? Not?
Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacterial_cellular_morphologies to start.
For the gram staining: its gram positive or gram negative.. you can google this , but you must have seen this before? Have you not done this during a practical session?
FOr the endospore test: its an endospore staining test I assume? Also something you can google very easly and something you should have done before.
I am not so sure what exactly you want to know? Dont you have a coursebook/slides from the teacher? You must have done these tests before?
Yes we had only one lecture where we learned 3 staining method, then observed under the microscope, the images wasn't clear and it was hard to identify. I atached the sample of hte report I will need to fill out. I just need to know now how to fill the form, what description I put under cell arrangment and shape...just example. If I understand well under the gram test I just apply + or -..depends if the test will be positive or negative right?
well look at the wiki page I gave you for the cell shape and arrangements! You just have to write down how they look (or draw it) and how they are "connected" to eachother.
(see the wiki)
For the gram stain: yes its either gram + or gram - . So based on the color you see yoiu just have to state its gram + or gram -
Whether its positive or negative depends on the bacterium you are looking at.
For the acid stain: if they stay red they retain the acid stain, so they are acid fast bacteria.
For the endospore stain; its to show if there are andospores or not. I dont know what stain you use but you can stain them green or red depending on the technique used.
thank you