Mice LTP is not working - (May/19/2014 )
Dear friend
I am Sudarshan Patil, started to work on mice LTP. Trying to measure fEPSP in vivo. I am getting very good/typical signal from the mice dentate gyrus (Please see attached photo). I tried many different stimulation protocols such as 6x6x6 TBS at 400Hz. or 200Hz x 4 at 10 second interval or 400Hz x3 at 10 second interval. I found increase in population skype but unfortunately decrease in fEPSP.
Any one can suggest me where I am going wrong.
I am loweing electrodes with slow speed. stabilizing signal for 30 mins. baseline recording start at minimal population spike amplitude.
Sudarshan Patil
lower Hz and increase breaks (minutes!)
-Inmost sun-