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finding a reference for a formula - (Apr/17/2014 )

where can I find the formula for calculating RNA copy numbers from its ng/ul ? I know the formula, but I could not find the reference. I want to put the reference in my writing, and tried to look for it in some papers and books, but I have not find it. So, where is this formula from? Thanks very much. 


The calculation has to be based on the sequence. There is an online tool allowing you to do that maybe you can cite the website.


This paper may also help:

Determination of the exact copy numbers of particular mRNAs in a single cell by quantitative real-time RT-PCR


pcrman on Thu Apr 17 18:21:50 2014 said:

The calculation has to be based on the sequence. There is an online tool allowing you to do that maybe you can cite the website.


This paper may also help:

Determination of the exact copy numbers of particular mRNAs in a single cell by quantitative real-time RT-PCR

Thank you. I know that web. In the paper, there is no formula:)
