SDS PAGE sample prep - (Mar/03/2014 )
I need help figuring out the calculations for this sample prep:
Prepare samples to a final conc. of 0.2 micrograms/microliter with sample buffer (25% v/v), reducing agent (10% v/v) and water. For samples of different conc. adjust the dilutions proportionally.
Nominal sample conc. sample sample buffer reducing agent water
(% w/w) (ul) (ul) (ul) (ul)
0.3 2 7.5 3 17.5
0.2 3 7.5 3 16.5
0.1 6 7.5 3 19.5
My samples are in liquid.
So what are the concentrations of your samples.... the table I see here doesn't seem to have any obvious problems.
The sample concentrations are in the first column, as (% w/w).
How can you start with a 0.2% w/w solution, add 3ul of this to the
total volume of 30ul, and end up with 0.2ug/ul ? I'm confused!
0.2% would be 2 mg/ml ((2/1000) *100) or 2 ug/ul, diluted 1:10 (or 3 in 30) would give you 0.2 ug/ul.