How can addgene sell plasmids with patented technology - (Feb/26/2014 )
For example, clontechs tet-inducible system.
Addgene is a non-profit organization, so they don't sell as such - the cost is for shipping and maintenance of the stocks (presumably). I would imagine that this still doesn't circumvent the problem that patented technology is being passed on possibly without permission (though I think they require memoranda of understanding for end-users), but that is something that you would need to ask Addgene about.
bob1 on Thu Feb 27 06:49:26 2014 said:
Addgene is a non-profit organization, so they don't sell as such - the cost is for shipping and maintenance of the stocks (presumably). I would imagine that this still doesn't circumvent the problem that patented technology is being passed on possibly without permission (though I think they require memoranda of understanding for end-users), but that is something that you would need to ask Addgene about.
Thanks, bob1. I went ahead and order TetO plasmids and essentially all I had to do is verify that I'm at a university and accept the terms of their material transfer agreement. Seems like a bad business policy by Clontech. They're losing so much sales by not making their constructs affordable.