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identifcation help please something i found - (Feb/16/2014 )

hi I’m a beginner and I don't know to much but I know the up to about A level standards

as I’m only 19 and trying to teach myself as best I can

but I would really appreciate it if anyone could tell me what this is

I found it in a sample of mold (house damp) I was looking for some dust mites

that I had found in previous samples and I dyed it with methylene blue

it looks to me like a protozoa cell (correct me if I’m wrong)

But it just looks intriguing as I didn't expect a cell like this with mold and mites

Thanks for any efforts

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-Jacob Ennead Seagrave-

I'm guessing not protozoa, as there doesn't seem to be any internal structure to that - internal structures should dye show some contrast between them when dyed with BB.  I think this is either a crystal or some dust.  The "membrane" around the outside is probably an air bubble.


It doesn't really look protozoa... air bubble or oil-micelle probably with a crystal of MB inside.


PD: please, always indicate magnification

-El Crazy Xabi-

thanks for the input , i suppose it dont i just got ahead of my self

-Jacob Ennead Seagrave-