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program to match sequences - (Jan/29/2014 )

Hallo all,


I am looking for a program that I can use to check whether certain sequences are present in my plamids.


The problem is: when 1 amino acid is different than I can not find the sequence in my plasmid.


I want a program that, for example, would still "match" the sequences while mentioning that 1 base is different.


for example, the sequence of my plasmid is:




and the "gene" is: TGTGTCCGT, than I would not find it because I have that G rather than a C.


Any ideas or suggestions?

I just want to check for certain genes even if there is a small difference.






perhaps with BLAST and the megablast option?


You can use clustalw. If you are a windows user it is included in BioEdit which is free. There afe also many other options, you're basically looking for a sequence alignment program.


mboss on Wed Jan 29 20:39:08 2014 said:

You can use clustalw. If you are a windows user it is included in BioEdit which is free. There afe also many other options, you're basically looking for a sequence alignment program.

Ok, I'll check that one.



hobglobin on Wed Jan 29 20:31:49 2014 said:

No, because I want to compare my sequence with sequences from certain genes.

Or is there a way I can do this using NCBI?


I have 1 sequence (the plasmid) and I want to find certain genes in this plasmid (like for example a drug resistance gene).

I want to match those genes woth the plasmid (see if the gene is really in the plasmid or not)
