structure prediction of a Protein with disulfide bond? - (Jan/26/2014 )
I am writing to ask you some questions regarding I-TASSER protein modeling server. I have designed a protein sequence which consists of a iRGD motif. As the related papers indicate this motif has two Cys that form disulfide bond to make the motif circular. After protein 3D structure prediction by I-TASSER server, the predicted protein model did not show this disulfide bond. I would like to know if generally the server is able to predict the disulfide bonds. If not, is there any protein structure prediction server which can predict the difulfide bonds?
this page in expasy may contain software that you can use:
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Inbox on Mon Jan 27 07:51:02 2014 said:
Thanks a lot. It is exactly what I was searching for.
mdfenko on Mon Jan 27 12:37:54 2014 said:
this page in expasy may contain software that you can use:
or this page:
Thanks a lot for introducing useful links