degenerate bases in my sequences - (Dec/02/2013 )
Can anyone tell me how I can order some cloning vectors with the sequence below as the insert ? There are some Ns in it..
I'm thinking to use these vectors to prepare a calibration curve in my qPCR assay.
Thanks in advance!
atta gatacccggg tagtcccagc cgtaaacgat gctcgctagg tgtcaggcat
ggcgcgaccg tgtctngtgc cgcagggaag ccgtgaagcg agccacctgg gaagtacggc
cgcaaggctg aaacttaaag gaattggcgg gggagcacaa caacgggtgg agcctgcggt
ttaattnnnn nnaacgccgg acaactcacc ggggacgaca gcaatatgta ggccaggcta
aagaccttgc ctnaatcgct gagaggaggt gcatgg
Contact any company offering gene synthesis. I've used Gentech with good success for gene synthesis, but there are plenty of others.