Transformation of moss, Physcomitrella patens - (Nov/04/2013 )
I'm currently trying to transform moss. I had some questions regarding it..maybe somebody could help.
Do I need to linearize my plasmid for transformation? Can't I use a plasmid containing my gene and directly transform it? I'm not sure with mosses.
lax on Mon Nov 4 19:47:26 2013 said:
I'm currently trying to transform moss. I had some questions regarding it..maybe somebody could help.
Do I need to linearize my plasmid for transformation? Can't I use a plasmid containing my gene and directly transform it? I'm not sure with mosses.
contact some people that work on it? (there are some labs that work on it).
As far as I remember it, homologous recombinations works pretty well in this moss.
I would just try both: linearized and circular....
But I am pretty sure linearized will work better (alsmost works better..)
BTW: the linearized dna is just the plasmid... only cut prior to transformation, so its just 1 small extra step, an incubation, nothing more.