rhizosphere microbial community structure - (Oct/08/2013 )
Hi all,
I got a problem with the research work. I am new in this area, so know little about it, particularly abou thte experimental techniques.Is there anybody could help me out with this tough thing? thank you very much. I will appreciate any suggestions and ideas from you.
Here comes the question:
The composition of rhizosphere microbial community varies with different plant genotypes or species. Assuming that you observed a significant difference in microbial community between cultivated corn and its wild relative, teosinte, design experiments to answer the following two questions:
1) How much of observed difference is inheritable?
2) Which genetic loci control such variation in microbial community?
Thank you very much. I have searched for some papers online. None of them can answer the questions.
you can use this wikipedia page as a start.
then lmgtfy.
mdfenko on Wed Oct 9 12:05:48 2013 said:
can you please be more specific?
arlandan on Wed Oct 9 12:53:04 2013 said:
can you please be more specific?
no. not my area of expertise. just tried to give you a starting point.