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Staph.aureus from the urogenital smear - (Aug/03/2013 )

Can affect stapilococcus aureus  isolated from the urogenital smear on the course of pregnancy and infection of the child at birth?


Maybe, but why would it?  Hint - I think you are doing some homework and so am not giving a full answer.


this is not homework:) just have different opinions about the carriage of Staph aureus, and not everyone believes that this bacterium can cause further infection at birth to the child. Therefore, the question was whether to treat staph. aureus if it's just a carrier without any evidence of inflammation.


So - is the child sterile when in-utero?  Where would it get Staphs from for its initial colonization?  How would colonization with a pathological strain be detrimental?


See:  and


Asymptomatic vaginal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is common and as is colonization of newborn.

-Phil Geis-