change media everyday (or every other day) for MTT assay? - (Jul/25/2013 )
I am performing an MTT assay and was wondering how others are letting cells grow for long term MTT assays (5-7day period). I seed cells and collect data 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days after seeding.
I am currently adding additional media on day 3 for day 5 and 7 period wells as I noticed media evaporating.
Do people usually leave media as is or change everyday or every other day?
Thank you.
well, you're using a treatment and at the end you're using MTT to measure cytotoxicity of your treatment, right? (this is what I've used it for)
I replace the media on the same schedule as I always would for that cell type. if it was a one-time treatment, just use regular media. if it's a continuous treatment, just make sure your drug is in the fresh media.
does that help?
It depends on the estimated number of cells in your culture is the most commonly replaced every 48 hours should be made Otherwise they are stressed
aimikins on Sat Jul 27 19:11:15 2013 said:
well, you're using a treatment and at the end you're using MTT to measure cytotoxicity of your treatment, right? (this is what I've used it for)
I replace the media on the same schedule as I always would for that cell type. if it was a one-time treatment, just use regular media. if it's a continuous treatment, just make sure your drug is in the fresh media.
does that help?
I am not doing any treatments. I am comparing wild type and Protein of interest over expressed cell growth over time.
My main concern is the evaporation of the wells at the edges and was wondering if I replace media everyday would evaporation be less.
antitoxin on Mon Jul 29 16:31:08 2013 said:
It depends on the estimated number of cells in your culture is the most commonly replaced every 48 hours should be made Otherwise they are stressed
The cells in normal culture is given fresh media twice a week (monday and friday) so I didn't think about giving fresh media every 48 hours.
oh, I'm sorry, I don't think we're talking about the same assay. I apologize for any confusion.