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Alternative to Papers2 - (Jul/10/2013 )

I am writing my thesis now and looking for a system to organize all my pdfs scattered on the HDD. I have made folders to keep some tab but after using several programs like Mandeley, Qiqqa, Zotero or Papers2, I am truly fed up with all these programs.

Being really old user of Papers, they have messed this application so well that it is not worth using anymore. The main functionality that I like about this application is ability to download the full text pdfs just by clicking on the article entry. Majority of the articles used to download with ease but the as they keep on 'upgrading' I started facing ton of issues. Plus, its a memory hog from hell. The support is pathetic. (And now that they are bought by mega publisher, they don't seem to care the users anymore.)

So is there any application, that allows me to download full text right in the program with ability to add tags or make folders so that it is easier to sort the articles by the interest/type.

I don't mind paying money (I have already paid Papers twice and that is down the drain) but I would like it to do the job. I really do not have time and energy to play around this stuff.

Thanks a lot in advance.


I guess your preferred feature relied on the fact that papers was developed by Springer and therefore offers access to their journals...anyway I use Menedeley and like it and can at least download papers from journal my university library has subscribed to. In that software you can read and highlight text and add tags and notes...for me it's enough and I'm not sure if any other software than papers offers free access to journal content.
Wikipedia has a list of reference management software, so many you should find something suitable.


I will check these options. Papers was bought by Springer in April 2013 I guess, before that it was developed by couple of dutch folks.

Honestly, inability to download papers automatically like papers will be a huge deal breaker (I still wonder why Papers developers considered messing up the application so much.)


Here's the service that will help with bibliography
