How to calculate drug amount to use in cell lines - (May/31/2013 )
Hi all,
I want to start an in vitro assay to test the efficacy of one drug. I choose human adult mesenchymal stem cells to go with. I will apply the drug in passage 2 or 3 (not decided yet). The molecular weight of my drug is 232.28 g/mol. Recommended human dose is 5 mg. Can anyone tell me how i can figure out which concentration i should use in my culture. I am not finding any protocol/ theory for this. I will be glad if anyone can help me out.
5 mg total or 5 mg/kg or something similar?
Sifatmaria on Fri May 31 17:25:22 2013 said:
Hi all,
I want to start an in vitro assay to test the efficacy of one drug. I choose human adult mesenchymal stem cells to go with. I will apply the drug in passage 2 or 3 (not decided yet). The molecular weight of my drug is 232.28 g/mol. Recommended human dose is 5 mg. Can anyone tell me how i can figure out which concentration i should use in my culture. I am not finding any protocol/ theory for this. I will be glad if anyone can help me out.
Dear Sifatmaria,
You should really do an initial dose response curve i.e. covering 1uM- 1mM.
When working in drug research these are the common concentrations to try first. If your drug is only effective at mM range then this generally speaking is not a compound that is very interesting.
If however the compound is active at 1uM then a fuirther dose response curve should be done from pmolar too nanomolar ranges.
Again generally speaking compound active at these concentrations are going to be of more interest to researchers and drug companies. After efficacy we look at specificity i.e. dose the drug interact with other mechanisms.
I hope this is of help
Kindest regards
Uncle Rhombus
Thanks a lot uncle Rhombus. It really helps.