Western Blot with fixed cells - (May/28/2013 )
Hi people,
is it possible to do a WB from cells that were fixed before (Cytoperm/Cytofix, contains PFA)? I am currently looking at literature and searching the internet on this topic, but I still wanted to ask you bioforumers for your opinion/advice/experience !
Thanks !
EDIT: Would an ELISA be a better alternative in this case ?
I don't think it would be possible after fixation ... instead they will be fine for FACS analysis eventually
Subsequent FACS analysis is not possible in this case, which is why we wanted to do a Western...
anyone else an opinion ?
Thanks for the reply, doxorubicin !
Hm, with immunostaining it's not really quantitative, I suppose... and RNAScope is rather for tissue sections I think ? Had been considering ELISA as an alternative though.