Cell-repellent coating / surfaces - Growing cells on beads - (May/14/2013 )
Hi everybody!
I want to culture adhesive MDCK cells on beads. I am looking for a coat (maybe one which I can do on my own) of cell culture dishes/wells/flasks which prevent my cells from surface attachment to the culture vessel. I tried flasks for suspension cells with hydrophobic surface, but MDCK cells still attach. The cells should ideally only grow on my beads.
I would appreciate any ideas.
Thank you!
Two ways to go:-
Try using non tissue culture treated plastics ..... the cells and beads should not attach to the plastic
If that does not work use a "siliconising fluid" like Repelcote.... this stops cells and beads from attaching to glass and plastic.
Hope this helps
Kindest regards
Uncle Rhombus
Hi thanks for your answer!
I already tried non tissue culture treated plastics, but MDCK cells still attach. I also read s.th. about silicon and I will try this now.