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CFU measurments - (Apr/25/2013 )

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It addresses only the method's capability.

-Phil Geis-

Phil Geis on Sat May 4 16:33:51 2013 said:

It addresses only the method's capability.

Can you give a bit more explenation?
I am not sure if I understand you.

I also dont understand how you get that "standard deviation plate counts to be 0.5 log" from the paper you attached.

If I understand you correct you mean that the 0,5 log deviation is adressed to the method, so you mean that plating bacteria always has a 0,5 log deviation because of the plating?
And you do mean 10^-0,5 X + 0,5 , right? A half log difference?



-Phil Geis-

Phil Geis on Wed May 8 14:39:15 2013 said:


Ok I see what you mean!


A colony origins from one to more than 100 bacteria.
Use a inoculating turntable, and an Ultrasonic bath(Jewelry Cleaner) to disociate bateria from each other.

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